Saturday, December 12, 2009

Dr Caligari

Dr Caligari was different, i have to admit that. I understood the basic plot but never really got involved in the movie, and sort of got bored after a while. I thought the set was amazing though! I really loved the originality of the set and how it was so different. This made the film so strange and wonderful and really interesting to watch.
From going from a american silent film to a german silent film there was loads of differences which you could tell - even though there was no speaking. The set was extremely different, very unrealistic where all of chaplins films were set in the real world. Also the acting was far more "crazy" in Dr Caligari, where chaplin was less strange and acting as a normal man.
Also, the writing was completely different from the american silent films. They were far more abstract - almost too abstract that you could hardly read it - but for some reason i kept getting scooby doo in my head all the way through the film, and am not quite sure why? But the writing was far more creatively done instead of just printing words onto the screen and this added more character into the film.
Overall the film was something i would of never ever of watched, but i am glad i have watched it as it has shown a different side of silent films and how visually creative you can make it with still having a good plot line that you can understand.

My Christmas Number1

Love Actually
Well i really couldn't think of anything to be honest.. i have no idea why, just kept thinking of disney films etc :) But one film that popped into my head was love actually. I love this film, it is just such a nice film and because it is set at christmas time too it sets the mood. I will defo be watching this film when i get back home <3

One word... YUK! I hate this film, but my dad and brother some how watch it every christmas! It is horrible and hate the little gremlins in it, there so gross! ha this is one film i wish they would stop playing at christmas time!

Wednesday, December 09, 2009


Well, I can safely say I am not a corrie fan!!
I really hated every moment of it, and i am normally quite good at just flicking through channels and getting in grossed in something i have never watched, but i wanted to switch it off as soon as i put it on!
They just seemed to spend the whole time drinking in the pub? So the first impression i got of them all as that they were quite "tinky" and never really seemed to be working or anything.
I just never related to the program at all, and there are no younger people in at all really.. which is probably why the younger viewers are more likely to not be watching it.
The storyline i felt was quite boring as well.. I just never really understood half of what was going on, even though i did pick it up towards the end. But by not knowing any of the characters relationships etc i really did not want to watch it.
I dont watch any soaps at all, just because i really don't have the time to sit and watch a program almost every day of my life, i would rather watch series of programs so you can get a break from them so you get excited for them coming on again, instead of watching it constantly.
I felt the conversations they had in the program was much more realistic than say.. 90210, as they are less dramatised and less "hollywood".
I just can't really see how people can watch this the whole time, it really does not appeal to me at all and is something i am glad i don't watch. I mean i would watch it.. but thats if the only thing on the tv was Corrie, but if it came down to watching an old episode of friends i have seen a thousand times, or corrie? I would pick Friends EVERY time!
I do understand how older people watch it - as it mostly about old people - but also because they relate to it, and is almost like their family.
But to round it up, Corrie is very well done - but just is not my cup of tea :)

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Paranormal Activity

Well after saying i was never going to see a scary film ever again i was sitting in the cinema watching the trailers at Paranormal Activity. I was so scared before it came on cause i was just thinking the worst.
It was a "documentary" on how a women has been getting stalked by a ghost since she was 8 and her husband decides to video her for 16 days.
It was far too well done to be done by an amatuer so the whole feel of it being real was blown in the first 10 minutes of the film. He seemed to capture EVERYTHING on camera, and the tape somehow never ran out either? Also there was far too much build up to the end scene because it just got worse until she finally got abducted and killed her husband.
As the womenin the cinema said "it is only scary if you believe in ghosts"
Also I think it depends on the audience you are with. Our audience jumped at quite a lot but just laughed afterwards and kind of made a mockery of the film which ruined the tension watching it.
I wasn't scared really until the end 10 mins, and then the last bit i couldn't even watch because i didn't want to know what happened. I hid behind my coat and maybe Sam give me a runnin narrative to what was happening.
I felt it was a bit boringat the start as nothing really happened until an hour in to the movie.
The characters were chosen really good as they did look as if they were just a normal couple and the women was not really stunningly pretty for once. The acting played by the man was cringing - and he really was not a good actor, but the women played the part really good and you felt her emotions was really good.
The whole thing was just far too thought out and was only scary in the last 10 mins at the end.
Overall, I don't really have that much to say about the film apart from it was not very good at all, and wasn't what it was all  cracked up to be.

Law Abiding Citizen

I loved this film! It is one of the best films i have seen in the cinema in a very long time - and i have seen a lot of films since coming to Glasgow.
I just thought the film had everything -- excitement, tension, comedy, action and even lots of moments where it had the audience jumping.
It was about a man - Clyde - who watched his family get murdered. When the murderer went up in court , his lawyer said there was no proof against the criminal even though Clyde watched it happen. He had to watch while his wifes murderer walked free from jail.10 years later the story starts and Clyde plans an attack on everyone who was in that court case and starts by torturing the man who murdered his family. Clyde got put in jail - and this was only the start of his master plan. Every move he made was only one little part of his killing streak.
I loved how clever the film was and how you never really knew what to expect at all, or really who was going to die next. Although the film was really serious as he was trying to get revenge, Clyde played almost a comedy character with his sarcastic jokes and all his demands.Clyde knew what he was doing at all time and knew how to beat the system so made a mockery out of Nick - his former lawyer - by demanding mattresses, dinner and even his ipod for in his jail cell.
I thought the acting in it was really good, and just found out recently that Gerard Buttler was going to be playing the good guy and the other way about. I am very glad they changed roles, as i think Gerard Buttler is much more "harder" looking than Jamie Foxx and wouldnt of had the same effect.
I liked it how, even though Clyde was the bad guy, you were almost on his side beacuse of the scene at the start. I thought this was really well done as if this scene was not at the start there wouldn't be the same emotion for the character and would probebly sympathise more with the other characters. There was sympathy for the characters because you didn't want them to die, but i felt more connected with Clyde than any of the other characters.
The clever thing about the film was that you knew Clyde was killing everyone but you didn't know how. You only ever find out right at the end of the film and for some reason it is so simple, but you don't really think that is how he is doing it.
The ending of the film i thought was really exciting as there was so much tension as it was all on this one guy to dismantle the bomb. I felt when Clyde was faced with the desision of putting the bomb off or not, you wanted him to come to his sences and turn it off. But when he does set it off, you lose all kind of emotion for him and just think he is a bad man and is just killing people for no reason at all.
I won't spoil the end of the film for you, but i really liked the ending, thought it was very good visually and great way to end the movie as it revolved everything.
Overall this movie was fantastic and really recomend everyone to go see it.

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Term 1

Thought i would do a little reflection before then end of term just summing up all the classes :)

Camera - I didn't really know what to expect when i first started this class as i had never worked with a camera before. But i felt really comfortable as soon as we started this, and i think even though the pace is very fast i think i caught most of it. I am not very "tecky" but even though, i found this really interesting and how all the different parts works. The only bit i probably would go and get the cameras to practice with is the back focus as we went over this really quickly and felt i never picked it up as much as the other parts. When we did the assessment i thought i did quite well and got up to doing the back focus before the time ran out. Even though i don't think this is going to be my specialism at this moment in time i am still very open to the class and want to learn as much as i can.

Editing - I am really enjoying this class, and can't wait to get started editing properly. Again with editing, i have never used final cut pro before - or even macs - so getting used to the software was quite difficult but i seem to be picking it up okay. I really like editing as i have an eye to detail - and think this will help in the class. Also i am quite creative so like editing clips together so it appeals to me. We haven't really done that much in Gavs class as we had to get used to the software, but am sure this will pick up in the next term and am really excited for this. The assessment i feel went good and felt quite comfortable answering most of the questions and hopefully the practical assessment will go okay too.

Content Origination - Adams class is very interesting and feel like i am learning a lot about television. I wasn't sure about doing television before i came to RSAMD but was really interested in learning about it as i watch more TV than i do films. I felt i was struggling at the start with the premises as i felt my grammer wasn't as good as everyone elses and it wasn't as creative as others. But i feel my premises have come along a lot since the start and i am very proud that i am getting more used to doing this. I also thought that watching the TV shows and then coming up with themes then doing the premise helped a lot as it gave you a starting point on where to start. I loved some of the shows he showed us including Being Human and Skins. I had watched skins before, but felt i watched it more this time looking out for the different themes within the program. We have now started learning about Treatments and feel this is going to be a very interesting topic.

The Small Screen - This is one of Andys classes and feel i have learnt a lot in his classes. It is really interesting to know the background of television and how it has changed since it was invented. Also how people are effected by TV and how they use it. I really enjoy how we are doing TV formats now and i really like this part of the class. I think that because I watch TV everyday i enjoy the television classes more than the cinema classes as I am devoted to my programs that i watch on television. When Andy described the format to us it is really clear and can then see it any programs we watch. I especially enjoyed the game show class as we got to make up our own games shows, and i really enjoyed figuring out how we were going to make it interesting so that the audience got gripped.

Screenwriting - Richard is GONE! :( So no more eating cookies and telling each other our secrets. I have had some really good times in this class and even though i really have no interest in writing i did love this class. This class had also helped with my premises as we had to do a lot for Richards class but using out own ideas. I felt i wasn't comfortable at the start opening up to my ideas - but i am much more confident in my ideas and i think this will help my ideas become more creative and original. I have learnt a lot about themes, and structure etc in this class and i feel this will help me in other classes as will other classes help me in this one. I really enjoyed hearing peoples ideas for short films and has given me a lot of ideas for my own. Unfortunately this class won't run now, but I am going to try keep making up ideas.

History of Cinema - Even though there was a lot of statistics at the start i thought it was really interesting, and nearly all the stuff that was spoken in class i never knew about. I felt like i gained a lot from the class and thought it was very valuable information as I have a better understanding of cinema as I know where it all started. I especially liked the "field trip" and thought it was so interesting and never even realised the place existed. I think we should do more trips like these as i really enjoyed this and seeing it put it into a different perspective instead of just seeing it on paper.

Screenings - An easy Friday watching films, even though sometimes I am sitting there just waiting to run out the door, grab a train and get home. But overall I am not like that and really enjoy watching films I would normally never myself put on at home. I loved all the Charlie Chaplin films - more the short films than the feature length, as i felt like it was too long for a silent movie. But i found him really funny and felt more connected to him because we had watched the film about him before hand. I had not seen many of the films before and feel i have opened up to a larger viewing of films.

Overall Term 1 has been really good and have learnt SO MUCH. It has gone really fast and does not seem like 2 and a half months. I love everyone on my course so much and feel we have bonded really well together, and can't wait to spend the next 3 years together helping each other a long this wonderful journey :)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Eagle vs. Shark

This is the most funniest film i have seen in ages, that i have seen it twice now in the past 4 days! 
This sort of movie is the best to watch with a group of you as it is just a laugh out loud film.

It is about a really geeky girl who is in love with this really geek man, and they finally end up going out. Jarrod goes back to his home town to fight his high school nemesis and Lily ends up going with him.

I really didn't think that i would like this film as Julia described it as like flight of the concordes... and i hadn't really given my time to watch that film.. and normally don't really like "stupid" films. But this one is just sooo funny. 

The characters are really well thought out, cause this could of went drastically wrong, as most of the humor is in the way the way they react and their emotions. Jarrod really doesn't have to do anything but just stand there, and you will instantly just laugh cause he is just so cringing. Also the use of using the "new zealand accent" in the most funniest way possible, you are just in constant stitches laughing at the way they say words. 

Also i feel the plot line is also really good, as you never expected them to break up in the middle. Then when she couldn't get home it was really nice to see her build a relationship with Jarrods dad and his other relations. This also made Jarrod and his dads relationship stronger too, as he was not keen on Lilly at the start but by the end she was his almost like his best friend as he opened up about how his son died. I think this was a nice touch on the story as this could of easily been left out with it being a comedy. But it was great to see more emotion in it. 

There was just so many funny scenes in the film - when he is "training" to fight his high school nemesis, all the family are sitting in the garden watching him, and he is getting sticks chucked at him, and jumping through hoops. And it is just a poor attempt really at training but takes it so seriously. There is just some brilliant scenes where you are in stitches cause he is just a massive geek and just so cringe worthy!

I thought the ending was hilarious though, as he put himself through all this "training" and building up to the fight, and when he and all his friends finally got there, he ended up finding his high school bully was in a wheel chair. But you would think he would just walk away then, but no - he does start to fight him. This was such a funny scene as you could just imagine them rolling about on the floor trying to attack each other.

Overall i thought the film was brilliant - so funny and just a good movie to watch with all your friends on a night in :)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Wizzard Of Oz

Out of the five films that we watched and decided to pick the most fun and could say most creative out of them all.. The Wizzard Of Oz.
I just love this movie as it is just a feel good family movie. What makes it so original is the "fantasy vs. real life" with the like of using lions and scarecrows for characters instead of using real life characters in it. The only human actually playing a main part in the film is of course Dorothy, and i feel this makes her character stand out more as she is the only human and the other characters are just fantasy.
Also i feel it is really interesting in the fact that it goes from being in black and white to being in colour when she goes into in the land of Oz. This makes the whole idea of her going into this fantasy land much more magical with all the colours that are used. It also gives the impression of being old fashioned when she is in Kansas, as when she is in Oz it feels much more modernized with the bright colours. 
The "Yellow Brick Road" is obviously a main part in the journey they take as they have to follow it to get to the Emerald City. I feel its almost a conflict in the film as they have to stick to that path even though they come across danger when taking it.
I feel this film is fun and exciting, even if it is cheesy, you can't admit it isn't a good film. The music in it is recognised everywhere, and you just can't help but sing a long. Musicals are one one of my favorite genre of films to watch, and this one is one of the best i have seen.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Halloween 2

Well Halloween 2 has made it official... I am NEVER ever going to see a horror film again in the cinema ever! Me, Meg and Julia were scared all the way through jumping at ever little thing. The film scared us so much that we screamed when Julia went to reach for the door and the hand dryer went off in the toilets!
The film was about this girls brother that was a serial killer who got caught but then escaped and started killing everyone again. I thought it was a pretty bad movie but had the entertainment factor of being scary. It wasn't psychological at all but just very very gory.
I don't think it had a very good plot line because even though there was family issues behind all the killings, he was just really killing everyone that came into his sight.
Even though the plot line was ridiculously bad, it was quite entertaining because of the fear factor and how i had to keep hiding behind my hands when he killed anyone as it was done as disgusting as they could make it.
But the worst thing that actually happened was before the whole thing even started.. Sam text me saying "Watch out for the man behind you" and as soon he text me, a man sat behind me! So i sat there frightened for the whole film someone was going to pull out a chainsaw behind me and kill me. But it never happened, so am okay guys! :)
Anyways, back to the movie.. I felt it lacked in so many areas, but I did find one of the last scenes interesting.. It was when the girl came out of the shed and she kneeled on her knees. I thought this was a very beautiful scene for a film that lacked everything before this scene.
I would recomend it to people if they wanted to go see a film that they were not bothered with the plot line, but just going for the entertainment factor.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

48 Hours Of Television...

Well... i did kept notes on my tv watching from Sunday Night to Tuesday Night... As i knew i would not be watching tv over the weekend.
And to be honest.. I never realised how much RUBBISH I actually watched!!
I watched The Hangover (a movie) on dvd on Sunday night but never watched any tv.
Was ill on monday so ended up just sleeping all day, but when i was awake I ended up watching a little bit of Loose Women which is always fun to watch when having your lunch :) I fell asleep more after that and ended up waking up and going on my laptop to do some blogging etc. I always switch my tv on when I come in to my room (I am watching you have been framed now!). I had on a few episodes of Jeremy Kyle, Dragons Den and just useless programs like that not even half watching them. I watched a few episodes of friends after that also.
I also always watch the tv when am in bed and ALWAYS have it put to sleep (Dont think I can actually get to sleep without putting my tv on! ha!) I decided to start watching Flashforward on Five Demand because i had been putting off watching it for ages, and i can tell you its AMAZING... so i had to watch another episode after that, but was gutted cause it started buffering on me and had to switch it off. So ended up just watching scrubs etc. until I was asleep.
On Tuesday I ended up going to the cinema to see Zombieland which was a very good film I must say. I never watched much tv as when we came back to halls as we sat in the kitchen for faaaaaaaar too long and then I had a 2 and a half hour phone call.. So not much was done that night! But I did have the tv on when I was on the phone and sort of watched the f word and the documentary that was after it. I then finally came off the phone and managed to sneak in another episode of Flashforward before I went to sleep.
I never actually realised how much i had my tv on before i wrote this diary. Even if i am not actually watching the tv and on the laptop I have to have my television on the whole time.
So i really dont think I would be able to live without television!!!!

Monday, November 02, 2009

The Hangover

Was dying to see this in the cinema but never got the chance and then completely forgot. Then last night I was going to be brave and watch Friday the 13th (even after my dramatic experience in the cinema watching Halloween 2 =|) until someone pulled out the hangover! So without anyone getting a chance to even think about which one they wanted to watch i grabbed it and put it in the dvd player!
So i sat down with my yogurt so excited to watch the hangover. And overall i LOVED it. I think its even better than Couples Retreat!
It was about 4 guys going to Las Vagas for a stag night. But one of them thought they would have a better night if they took ecstasy so dropped some in their drink without them knowing! But without realising he actually bought a date rape drug so when they woke up in the morning they knew nothing from the night before. The film follows 3 of the guys re-tracking their footprints of the night before trying to find the groom that was supposed to be getting married in 24 hours as they lost him and had no idea where he was.
I loved all their reactions of the things they got up to when one of the men found out they married a stripper, or when they stole a tiger from Mike Tyson and was in their bathroom in the morning. It was good how you were practically in suspense the whole time as you just wanted to find out what other crazy things happened.. and you felt like you were finding out at the exact same time as the characters were finding out cause you were just as anxious to find out as they were. As you had no idea what had happened the night before either as you never saw any of it.
It was just a really funny film to watch when i just wanted to kick back and relax and am glad i watched this instead of friday the 13th.. as at least i got to sleep afterwards instead of thinking a man was going to come into my room with a knife and kill me ha!
My favorite character had to be the brides brother as he did have the best lines and was just hilarious some of the things he came out with. The guys in the room found it really funny and were all crying with laughter throughout the film which just made me laugh even more! There was so many one line gags in it that you were laughing constantly.
I really recommend watching this as you will laugh a lot, especially when there is a group of you!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Couples Retreat

Went to see this at the cinema the other day without any expectations at all really cause I had only seen a few trailers. I said to Meg as soon as I got into the cinema.. " this film is either going to be really good or really rubbish!!" But, unlike some people ha, i really did enjoy it! Was just such a light hearted comedy with some really good funny parts!
Within the first 2 minutes of the film the whole cinema was laughing, and this happened all the way through the film.
It was all about 4 couples who went to paradise island to make their relationships stronger. But they never realised they would be getting up at 6 AM... to go to work on couple skill building.
I think all the characters played really good parts within the film with all their relationships being completely different but all being friends. Also i think it worked good with this many main characters as you never got sick of seeing one couple as it was spread out over the whole film.
My favourite characters were the big black man "cant mind his name" and his 2 week old girlfriend. His girlfriend was only 20 so just wanted to do everything and anything all the time but he just couldn't keep up, so ended up giving up on her and she went over to the "singles" part of the island.
I liked it how we saw all the counseling sessions and I definitely could relate to some of the stupid arguments!!
I loved it how when they went over to the singles island they all realised how much they loved each other and how the big black man ended up meeting his ex-wife and them getting back together.
I did like this film as there was so many laughs in it and I think it has to be one of the best comedies I have seen in a while.


The Soloist

Did this blog on the train... great way to pass the time! :)

Well, to start this blog I just want to say this film was one of the most powerful and emotional films I have seen in a while!
It was all about a journalist trying to help a man who lives on the street peruse his music career. He used to be part of a music school but got to scared of all the pressure and ended up running away from home. He ended up on the street with only his violin to keep him company so played music all day to the passers by in cars and by foot. But obviously living on the street you learn not to trust any one and also effects your health mentally and physically, so he thinks the street is there to protect him and doesn't actually want to give it up because he feels he needs it, even when giving an apartment.
There was only one scene that i never liked which is the one where music is playing and colorful images come on to the screen. It reminds me of the windows screensaver, or when you play music and all this "strange" colorful lines come up on the screen. So as soon as i saw this i really never liked it at all and seemed to go on for ages!
I really loved the connection between the journalist and the musician, as even though they hadn't known each other for long - they looked out for each other.
I normally don't like going to see serious films, but because i do have my cineworld card it has broaden my horizons of films. But i am so glad that i went to see this film as i was so moved when i came out the cinema, and everyone that i was with felt the same too.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Up 3D

Aww this film is the cutest film ever! Loved it so much :)

It started with a young boy meeting a girl and them having a wild dream to go on an adventure. You see their life in about 10 minutes with them going from young children, to going out, getting married, building a house, and then finally the women dying of old age. I really liked this idea as they could of easily started the story from after his wife dies, but this gets you really close to the old man as you have seen his whole life and what he had to go through so i loved this part of the film.
So this is where the actual story starts, with the old man living on his own and people trying to get him to move into a care home. But doesnt want to move as his house is too precious to him.
He finally meets this young boy who comes knocking on his door. He keeps telling him to go away but Russell keeps coming back. I think Russell is a good character in the movie as we know he is exactly like the old man when he was younger and you can relate back to the start of the movie to some of the things he does.
This is when they finally go up into the sky.. by balloons!! Yes balloons, this is the great thing for doing this movie as an animated film.. you can get away with things like this. It adds a great affect as well.
Russell some how manages to get onto his porch before the man lets all his balloons go.. so this is when Russell starts his adventure with him.
They meet all kinds of creatures and people on their journey but finally make it to their destination. This part of the film is defo the best as in 3D terms as we are connected to them when they are going through the sky and through the clouds.

I really do recomend going to see this film as it is just a lovely sunday afternoon film and there is a few laughs in it as well.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

(500) Days Of Summer

Ahhh.. 1st blog so i really don't know what am doing ;)

Went to see 500 days of summer a the cinema.
It was about a couple who met at work and got closer throughout the days together.
They both liked each other but they weren't "official" as they didn't wanted the same thing.

The movie played at different times of their time together skipping from the 3rd day to the 140th day back to the 54th day etc. I felt this made the film more unique than other rom-coms as you never got the story from the start to the end. But more of in a random sequence which was completely different to anything i had seen before. I did really enjoy it as i could relate to a lot of the scenes myself compared to some other films of this genre.

I also liked how the film was only viewed through the mans thoughts as this made it almost mysterious as you did not know what the girlfriend was thinking even though it was all her choices that determined the relationship between them.

The ending was completely different to any rom-com i have seen, as it ends on a disappointing note rather than a happy one. They don't end up getting back together as you would of thought, but actually goes off with another man and gets married.

Overall, I really liked the film, and the realistic view of the film made it far different to any rom-com I have seen as it was not "obvious" what was going to happen.

I give this movie.. 7/10 :)