Saturday, December 05, 2009

Law Abiding Citizen

I loved this film! It is one of the best films i have seen in the cinema in a very long time - and i have seen a lot of films since coming to Glasgow.
I just thought the film had everything -- excitement, tension, comedy, action and even lots of moments where it had the audience jumping.
It was about a man - Clyde - who watched his family get murdered. When the murderer went up in court , his lawyer said there was no proof against the criminal even though Clyde watched it happen. He had to watch while his wifes murderer walked free from jail.10 years later the story starts and Clyde plans an attack on everyone who was in that court case and starts by torturing the man who murdered his family. Clyde got put in jail - and this was only the start of his master plan. Every move he made was only one little part of his killing streak.
I loved how clever the film was and how you never really knew what to expect at all, or really who was going to die next. Although the film was really serious as he was trying to get revenge, Clyde played almost a comedy character with his sarcastic jokes and all his demands.Clyde knew what he was doing at all time and knew how to beat the system so made a mockery out of Nick - his former lawyer - by demanding mattresses, dinner and even his ipod for in his jail cell.
I thought the acting in it was really good, and just found out recently that Gerard Buttler was going to be playing the good guy and the other way about. I am very glad they changed roles, as i think Gerard Buttler is much more "harder" looking than Jamie Foxx and wouldnt of had the same effect.
I liked it how, even though Clyde was the bad guy, you were almost on his side beacuse of the scene at the start. I thought this was really well done as if this scene was not at the start there wouldn't be the same emotion for the character and would probebly sympathise more with the other characters. There was sympathy for the characters because you didn't want them to die, but i felt more connected with Clyde than any of the other characters.
The clever thing about the film was that you knew Clyde was killing everyone but you didn't know how. You only ever find out right at the end of the film and for some reason it is so simple, but you don't really think that is how he is doing it.
The ending of the film i thought was really exciting as there was so much tension as it was all on this one guy to dismantle the bomb. I felt when Clyde was faced with the desision of putting the bomb off or not, you wanted him to come to his sences and turn it off. But when he does set it off, you lose all kind of emotion for him and just think he is a bad man and is just killing people for no reason at all.
I won't spoil the end of the film for you, but i really liked the ending, thought it was very good visually and great way to end the movie as it revolved everything.
Overall this movie was fantastic and really recomend everyone to go see it.

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