Thursday, December 03, 2009

Term 1

Thought i would do a little reflection before then end of term just summing up all the classes :)

Camera - I didn't really know what to expect when i first started this class as i had never worked with a camera before. But i felt really comfortable as soon as we started this, and i think even though the pace is very fast i think i caught most of it. I am not very "tecky" but even though, i found this really interesting and how all the different parts works. The only bit i probably would go and get the cameras to practice with is the back focus as we went over this really quickly and felt i never picked it up as much as the other parts. When we did the assessment i thought i did quite well and got up to doing the back focus before the time ran out. Even though i don't think this is going to be my specialism at this moment in time i am still very open to the class and want to learn as much as i can.

Editing - I am really enjoying this class, and can't wait to get started editing properly. Again with editing, i have never used final cut pro before - or even macs - so getting used to the software was quite difficult but i seem to be picking it up okay. I really like editing as i have an eye to detail - and think this will help in the class. Also i am quite creative so like editing clips together so it appeals to me. We haven't really done that much in Gavs class as we had to get used to the software, but am sure this will pick up in the next term and am really excited for this. The assessment i feel went good and felt quite comfortable answering most of the questions and hopefully the practical assessment will go okay too.

Content Origination - Adams class is very interesting and feel like i am learning a lot about television. I wasn't sure about doing television before i came to RSAMD but was really interested in learning about it as i watch more TV than i do films. I felt i was struggling at the start with the premises as i felt my grammer wasn't as good as everyone elses and it wasn't as creative as others. But i feel my premises have come along a lot since the start and i am very proud that i am getting more used to doing this. I also thought that watching the TV shows and then coming up with themes then doing the premise helped a lot as it gave you a starting point on where to start. I loved some of the shows he showed us including Being Human and Skins. I had watched skins before, but felt i watched it more this time looking out for the different themes within the program. We have now started learning about Treatments and feel this is going to be a very interesting topic.

The Small Screen - This is one of Andys classes and feel i have learnt a lot in his classes. It is really interesting to know the background of television and how it has changed since it was invented. Also how people are effected by TV and how they use it. I really enjoy how we are doing TV formats now and i really like this part of the class. I think that because I watch TV everyday i enjoy the television classes more than the cinema classes as I am devoted to my programs that i watch on television. When Andy described the format to us it is really clear and can then see it any programs we watch. I especially enjoyed the game show class as we got to make up our own games shows, and i really enjoyed figuring out how we were going to make it interesting so that the audience got gripped.

Screenwriting - Richard is GONE! :( So no more eating cookies and telling each other our secrets. I have had some really good times in this class and even though i really have no interest in writing i did love this class. This class had also helped with my premises as we had to do a lot for Richards class but using out own ideas. I felt i wasn't comfortable at the start opening up to my ideas - but i am much more confident in my ideas and i think this will help my ideas become more creative and original. I have learnt a lot about themes, and structure etc in this class and i feel this will help me in other classes as will other classes help me in this one. I really enjoyed hearing peoples ideas for short films and has given me a lot of ideas for my own. Unfortunately this class won't run now, but I am going to try keep making up ideas.

History of Cinema - Even though there was a lot of statistics at the start i thought it was really interesting, and nearly all the stuff that was spoken in class i never knew about. I felt like i gained a lot from the class and thought it was very valuable information as I have a better understanding of cinema as I know where it all started. I especially liked the "field trip" and thought it was so interesting and never even realised the place existed. I think we should do more trips like these as i really enjoyed this and seeing it put it into a different perspective instead of just seeing it on paper.

Screenings - An easy Friday watching films, even though sometimes I am sitting there just waiting to run out the door, grab a train and get home. But overall I am not like that and really enjoy watching films I would normally never myself put on at home. I loved all the Charlie Chaplin films - more the short films than the feature length, as i felt like it was too long for a silent movie. But i found him really funny and felt more connected to him because we had watched the film about him before hand. I had not seen many of the films before and feel i have opened up to a larger viewing of films.

Overall Term 1 has been really good and have learnt SO MUCH. It has gone really fast and does not seem like 2 and a half months. I love everyone on my course so much and feel we have bonded really well together, and can't wait to spend the next 3 years together helping each other a long this wonderful journey :)

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