Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Soloist

Did this blog on the train... great way to pass the time! :)

Well, to start this blog I just want to say this film was one of the most powerful and emotional films I have seen in a while!
It was all about a journalist trying to help a man who lives on the street peruse his music career. He used to be part of a music school but got to scared of all the pressure and ended up running away from home. He ended up on the street with only his violin to keep him company so played music all day to the passers by in cars and by foot. But obviously living on the street you learn not to trust any one and also effects your health mentally and physically, so he thinks the street is there to protect him and doesn't actually want to give it up because he feels he needs it, even when giving an apartment.
There was only one scene that i never liked which is the one where music is playing and colorful images come on to the screen. It reminds me of the windows screensaver, or when you play music and all this "strange" colorful lines come up on the screen. So as soon as i saw this i really never liked it at all and seemed to go on for ages!
I really loved the connection between the journalist and the musician, as even though they hadn't known each other for long - they looked out for each other.
I normally don't like going to see serious films, but because i do have my cineworld card it has broaden my horizons of films. But i am so glad that i went to see this film as i was so moved when i came out the cinema, and everyone that i was with felt the same too.

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