Thursday, November 26, 2009

Eagle vs. Shark

This is the most funniest film i have seen in ages, that i have seen it twice now in the past 4 days! 
This sort of movie is the best to watch with a group of you as it is just a laugh out loud film.

It is about a really geeky girl who is in love with this really geek man, and they finally end up going out. Jarrod goes back to his home town to fight his high school nemesis and Lily ends up going with him.

I really didn't think that i would like this film as Julia described it as like flight of the concordes... and i hadn't really given my time to watch that film.. and normally don't really like "stupid" films. But this one is just sooo funny. 

The characters are really well thought out, cause this could of went drastically wrong, as most of the humor is in the way the way they react and their emotions. Jarrod really doesn't have to do anything but just stand there, and you will instantly just laugh cause he is just so cringing. Also the use of using the "new zealand accent" in the most funniest way possible, you are just in constant stitches laughing at the way they say words. 

Also i feel the plot line is also really good, as you never expected them to break up in the middle. Then when she couldn't get home it was really nice to see her build a relationship with Jarrods dad and his other relations. This also made Jarrod and his dads relationship stronger too, as he was not keen on Lilly at the start but by the end she was his almost like his best friend as he opened up about how his son died. I think this was a nice touch on the story as this could of easily been left out with it being a comedy. But it was great to see more emotion in it. 

There was just so many funny scenes in the film - when he is "training" to fight his high school nemesis, all the family are sitting in the garden watching him, and he is getting sticks chucked at him, and jumping through hoops. And it is just a poor attempt really at training but takes it so seriously. There is just some brilliant scenes where you are in stitches cause he is just a massive geek and just so cringe worthy!

I thought the ending was hilarious though, as he put himself through all this "training" and building up to the fight, and when he and all his friends finally got there, he ended up finding his high school bully was in a wheel chair. But you would think he would just walk away then, but no - he does start to fight him. This was such a funny scene as you could just imagine them rolling about on the floor trying to attack each other.

Overall i thought the film was brilliant - so funny and just a good movie to watch with all your friends on a night in :)

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