Friday, June 25, 2010

Superhero Me

Well we changed are minds a few times at what film we were going to see at this time - but we settled with Superhero Me. Nearly all the group went and saw this, but when we got to the screen it was dead, and only a few people were sat here and there.

It started not really knowing what to expect apart from a documentary type of film. But i must say it was actually quite good - and extremely funny. It was just a fun way to spend an hour or so without hurting your brain so much trying to figure out the plot.

So really what happened was a guy wanted to become a superhero - so went out on a quest to do it. He filmed it on anything he could get his hands on - even a camera phone at one point. But the quality didn't matter on this type of film - as it was just a bit of fun.

We watched him on his journey from trying to diet, to getting the right costume and to even meeting real life superheros. But one part we never really got as the screen ratio must of been off and the subtitles at the bottom for when he met a italian superhereo we couldn't see. Which was a bit annoying but i got over it when they started speaking in english again.

All i can say really is that it was a fun documentary to watch - not too hard hitting, and i really enjoyed it.

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