Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Another Production Update!

Everything is going splendid so far! really couldn't be happier. Only down side is Silverburn STILL hasn't got back to us whether or not we can use their shopping centre even with Murray phoning them constantly! But we do have a back up plan of Buchanan Gallaries and Clydebank, so its not a total disaster if they say no, but it would be lovely to film there.

Today, we went to the prop store to try figure out some of our props. Fortunetly they have about 20 fake hotdogs so that will be really handy for our film. We are now just trying to figure out how we are going to do this hot dog stand as we cant rent one as it is far too expensive. Adam gave us a great idea about going to the cinema to see if they had an old one or broken one we could use. So fingers crossed when we go there tomorrow are worries will be gone. If not - its going to have to be a hand made one, but hopefully will be able to get some TPA involved and try get them to make one. Also, got the costumes bought from ebay at a very good price - and should arrive soon with any luck. 

We tried to make a budgeting schedule today - and everything is looking fine, at the moment we have about 100/200 left, so that should be plenty incase of any emergencies. We also tried to figure out what scenes we are doing on each day and divided the pages upto 8ths, which does really help when deciding what days to film each scenes on.

Meg is going to be doing the shot list tomorrow, so that will be great when it all gets done and we can now start focusing on what its going to look like - and hopefully we should hear back from silverburn tomorrow!!

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