Friday, June 25, 2010

Ollie Kelpers Expanding Purple World

Well Edinburgh was amazing.. and thankfully made it back in one piece! :)

The first film that we decided to go see was Ollie Kelpers Expanding Purple World. I must say it was very weird - that was one way to describe it.

It started off not that exciting - the whole girl and boy live together scenario. But then after half an hour of small talk on screen, it got really interesting. His wife died and this completely different character came out of this person. He changed dramatically and started to go crazy gradually. I never really got how people went mentally ill, but this film really showed how people can change just because of one thing in their life disappearing.

Apart from it being very heavy - it was quite funny at parts, for example he started shouting at his kettle because it wouldn't be quiet, and shouting at his friend because he stole his cheese that had the microchip in it that was going to freeze his brain. There was some parts me and Julia couldn't stop laughing - but we didn't know if we should of been laughing because it was a serious matter.

They only part of the film that i hated was when they started speaking about physics. I mean it was about it - and thats where the whole micro chip came in, but at some points it was really heavy. And his face would pop up and behind him would be the galaxy and he would start speaking about physics. I thought this part was really bad - and kinda put you away from the film for 2 minuets because i didn't want to listen to it, so when the film came on again, i wasn't as drawn into it as i was before the physics.

But all in all, it was a completely different film to something i would ever go to see in the cinema. And i am really glad i went to see it as it opened me up to a completely different way of filming i am used to seeing in the cinema.

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