Friday, June 25, 2010

Short Films

We decided to go and see a bunch of short films and because i have never seen many before, i was really excited to what they would be like. 

We missed the first showing by 5 minutes, so had to wait outside until the next one came on. When we got in the cinema was packed - and this was a bit of a shock seen as we just came out of an empty cinema for Superhero me. But we managed to squeeze down at the front, and got ready for the first film - Birthday. It was really good. It was so beautiful all the shots, and it was all down in very old colours. There was no dialogue but just music that went a long with their actions and some laughing kids. It was about a man who was getting a table ready for the kids birthdays - but everything was really old and dirty, and the food looked like something i would never eat even if it was free. This lasted for 10 mins - shots of the kids eating, laughing, playing with presents and the man looking on at them. The shots were very close up, so you couldn't see what was in the background. But at the end of the film it zoomed out for the table to be placed on top of a rubbish heap and for there to be no kids at the table but the man standing there. This was a really good ending, and one of the best shorts i have seen. I just loved the dull colours and how it made the atmosphere - and it was shot really nice, all up close without giving too much away.

The second film was completely different which was really weird to watch after watching something so arty. I cant remember the name of it though - but it was in a foreign language with subtitles. It was all shot in one shot from a balcony so you were looking down at the action. It was also a re-construction of something that actually happened, which i think made it more funnier when watching it. It was about these 2 boys that were trying to rob a bank - but went horribly wrong. First of all they went to the wrong place, shot a few shots and ran out realizing so ran over to the actual bank and went in. It was really effective as it was from 2 people standing on the streets view of it, so they were pretty much commentating on what was happening but we couldn't actually see inside apart from screams. Then there was a funny scene where an old man was trying to steal the robbers scooter or something? But made a complete mess of it and had to run behind a pole when the robbers did come out. And when they finally tried to get away the scooter was so slow the police caught up to them in 5 seconds and caught them. It was so funny and i was laughing all the way through. But it was shot so good too as i don't think it would of been as funny if it was shot in a film way with edits - but it was done so effectively shot in one shot. 

There was 2 films after this which wasn't that exciting, and not going to blog about them because i really dont understand what they were about really - and kind of zoned out. But the first two films were so good, and will definitely take some inspiration from :)

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