Friday, February 19, 2010

Reflective Blog - Television

I really enjoyed this module a lot. I am really interested in television so I enjoyed learning about all aspects.
I never realised how much television is used as a social tool and actually how much television i watch!
We started to look at different tv formats.
We watched I love Lucy to show the format sit com. I had never watched this before, and i really enjoyed it. I couldn't believe this was made in 1951, as this could of been any program now a days.
We then went on and spoke about Cop Shows - and we watched the Shield.. I loved this and couldn't believe I hadn't watched it before. I was so engaged by this first episode and just wanted to go and watch the rest of the series.
We started looking at Corrie - and even though i am not a fan - i went in with an open mind and it was really interesting on how these types of programmes all having strong independent women in it which i never reaslised before.
After Christmas we spoke about Authorship - but even though it was quite heavy - I enjoyed learning about the different types of Authorships and how it all works.
For the end assessment we split into groups. Our group was to argue that televsion is just a box of lights and wires. I felt it was so hard to agrue for this, so we decided we would take the approach on how television is bad for society. I felt this was quite easy to do, and hopefully done well in the debate.
Overall, I really enjoyed this class - and learnt a lot that I didn't think was important in television.

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