Saturday, February 13, 2010

3 Point Lighting Class

I was really looking forward to start our lighting class and was hoping it wasn't going to be too difficult! I was quite scared to actually work with the massive lights - and thought that might be a struggle, but was okay in the end. We had to do an essay for Ray about 3 point lighting - so i had already a good idea how to do the three point lighting without having done any pratical work with it.

We had a group discussion first about it - and while 5 people in the class went up and did the three point lighting for the whole class - we all looked on at the monitor while Ray helped them all the way through guiding on how to do it. We did this again with the other half of the class to see how when other people light it looks completely different but is all okay. This made me feel better as there wasn't a certain way it had to look, but had to look good to your eye and use the basic technique of three point lighting.

We got shown how to use the different sheets for the lights - diff and ND. This changes the look of the camera completely different and is needed to control the light the way you want it.

After all this, we split in to two groups and had to - in turn - light the three point lighting and record it on the camera. We all got a shot at using each light and moving it about and also using the camera. I felt i learnt a lot by watching everyone doing their own 3 point lighting and how they over come the difficulties of shadows. When it came to my turn i was pretty confident on moving the lighting about so just concentrated on how it looked. I used different diffs on the cameras to get different shadows and intensity of lights. Dilara was my model - she was wearing a red top which contrasted lovely with the blue background. It was quite hard to see the monitor as the light was shining from the other teams lights, so was also lighting up are set as well. There was one shadow that i couldn't get rid of, but i ended up leaving it as i knew i was not going to get rid of it. I tried my hardest and then recorded my few seconds of my lighting.

We watched all the classes lighting back and made pros and cons about each. I liked watching everyones back as I saw all the different lighting that you could do - with more contrast in others and more brightness in others.

Overall, I learned a lot from the day of lighting, and hopefully fingers crossed i will be okay with my assessment in two weeks.

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