Monday, February 08, 2010


I went to see Precious last week.. as Meg had seen the trailer for it and said it looked really good. I knew i had a tutorial in the middle of it, but thought i might as well sit in the cinema rather than waiting in the cafe bar.
We were a bit late and had already started before we came in (we actually never knew if we were in the right cinema as it was pitch black and no noice) but we found are seats and started to watch the movie.

I really loved this film, it was so different to anything else that i had seen in the cinema before. It was about a girl who gets raped by her dad and has children by him. Her mum is also really abusive to her and does not treat her like her daughter. Her mum does not want her to do good in school, but precious goes behind her back and enroles in a "each one, teach one".
It was a very serious film and this is the only film i have seen where i was like "omg..", it just felt all so real, and you felt so connected to the characters. Its a very dark film - with a lot of violence towards the children.

I had to miss half an hour of it near the end as I had a meeting with Adam, which i really never wanted to go to as i was so engrossed with the film and wanted to know what happened. But i came back just for the last 5 mins, but i will proberly never get to see that half an hour again (i know what i am like!)

It was a very shocking peice of film - and it was very straight to the point, and never hid anything and showed things to the extreme. I couldn't even think how i would feel in that situation and you dont realise that things are that bad for people these days - but they are.

I thought the teenager was casted extremely well - and was really couragious to put someone of that size on the screen, but i think thats what made the film so unique, it wasnt about a skinny blonde girl, but about an overweight black girl which i thought made the film what it is.

Also you dont realise that this is a women driven film - the only time you see men is when she is getting called names on the street, and when you seen horrific images of her dad having sex with her.

Overall, i really did like this film as it was shocking and different - and actually couldn't believe your eyes you were watching this abuse in some parts. I really do hope i can watch the 30 mins i missed again, as it is truely a film you have to go and see in 2010!!

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