Friday, February 05, 2010

First Ever Shoot

Okay, so maybe I wasn't filming, but i definetly learnt alot from the experience and can't wait to do another one as soon as possible!!

We came in to the academy all ready to go at 12 o'clock. After lugging all the equiptment along the corridors, we started to set up the cameras. It felt really strange to actually be part of a film crew - and to be responsible enough and trusted to use the cameras on our own! Even though i did miss Ray not being there - incase something drastic happened - it was really good, as we had to do everything on our own, and if there was a problem, we had to fix it.
Me, Meg and Chris were assigned roles as the "editors", so we never really had much to do on the actual shoot its self but was great to go along. We watched closely as the camera assists set up the cameras - so we knew what to do the next time we will be camera assists. After watching them i realised i definetly needed to get the cameras out - as i reckon without my notes, i would forget how to do something, but i think after time i will be as good as everyone else as it needs practice.
So after everything was set up, we got to go for our break. (made a nice dinner for everyone back at halls!)
We then went back to the event at 6, so we could get final checks done and to get the tapes ready for the performance.
Once the crowds came in, we never had an important role, but sat next to a camera so we could see what the cam assist and cam opp was doing.
I reckon it was good that we went, as we got a sence of the style of music and what the personalities of the guys in the band were like. So we could have a better idea how to edit when we come to it.
We have just had a tutorial with Gav about how to capture (which was much easier than i thought it was going to be) so hopefully we can get all the footage on to the computer and get editing as soon as possible.
I think the whole shoot overall was very benifitual for all of us, as most of us had never done something like this before - so was great to get out there and do it.
The shoot was a success, and we really did learn a lot from the performance - and as Meg said in her blog, we learnt some of the words too, so we will have great fun editing when it comes to that!
Will keep you updated on how the editing goes :)

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