Thursday, October 22, 2009

Couples Retreat

Went to see this at the cinema the other day without any expectations at all really cause I had only seen a few trailers. I said to Meg as soon as I got into the cinema.. " this film is either going to be really good or really rubbish!!" But, unlike some people ha, i really did enjoy it! Was just such a light hearted comedy with some really good funny parts!
Within the first 2 minutes of the film the whole cinema was laughing, and this happened all the way through the film.
It was all about 4 couples who went to paradise island to make their relationships stronger. But they never realised they would be getting up at 6 AM... to go to work on couple skill building.
I think all the characters played really good parts within the film with all their relationships being completely different but all being friends. Also i think it worked good with this many main characters as you never got sick of seeing one couple as it was spread out over the whole film.
My favourite characters were the big black man "cant mind his name" and his 2 week old girlfriend. His girlfriend was only 20 so just wanted to do everything and anything all the time but he just couldn't keep up, so ended up giving up on her and she went over to the "singles" part of the island.
I liked it how we saw all the counseling sessions and I definitely could relate to some of the stupid arguments!!
I loved it how when they went over to the singles island they all realised how much they loved each other and how the big black man ended up meeting his ex-wife and them getting back together.
I did like this film as there was so many laughs in it and I think it has to be one of the best comedies I have seen in a while.


The Soloist

Did this blog on the train... great way to pass the time! :)

Well, to start this blog I just want to say this film was one of the most powerful and emotional films I have seen in a while!
It was all about a journalist trying to help a man who lives on the street peruse his music career. He used to be part of a music school but got to scared of all the pressure and ended up running away from home. He ended up on the street with only his violin to keep him company so played music all day to the passers by in cars and by foot. But obviously living on the street you learn not to trust any one and also effects your health mentally and physically, so he thinks the street is there to protect him and doesn't actually want to give it up because he feels he needs it, even when giving an apartment.
There was only one scene that i never liked which is the one where music is playing and colorful images come on to the screen. It reminds me of the windows screensaver, or when you play music and all this "strange" colorful lines come up on the screen. So as soon as i saw this i really never liked it at all and seemed to go on for ages!
I really loved the connection between the journalist and the musician, as even though they hadn't known each other for long - they looked out for each other.
I normally don't like going to see serious films, but because i do have my cineworld card it has broaden my horizons of films. But i am so glad that i went to see this film as i was so moved when i came out the cinema, and everyone that i was with felt the same too.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Up 3D

Aww this film is the cutest film ever! Loved it so much :)

It started with a young boy meeting a girl and them having a wild dream to go on an adventure. You see their life in about 10 minutes with them going from young children, to going out, getting married, building a house, and then finally the women dying of old age. I really liked this idea as they could of easily started the story from after his wife dies, but this gets you really close to the old man as you have seen his whole life and what he had to go through so i loved this part of the film.
So this is where the actual story starts, with the old man living on his own and people trying to get him to move into a care home. But doesnt want to move as his house is too precious to him.
He finally meets this young boy who comes knocking on his door. He keeps telling him to go away but Russell keeps coming back. I think Russell is a good character in the movie as we know he is exactly like the old man when he was younger and you can relate back to the start of the movie to some of the things he does.
This is when they finally go up into the sky.. by balloons!! Yes balloons, this is the great thing for doing this movie as an animated film.. you can get away with things like this. It adds a great affect as well.
Russell some how manages to get onto his porch before the man lets all his balloons go.. so this is when Russell starts his adventure with him.
They meet all kinds of creatures and people on their journey but finally make it to their destination. This part of the film is defo the best as in 3D terms as we are connected to them when they are going through the sky and through the clouds.

I really do recomend going to see this film as it is just a lovely sunday afternoon film and there is a few laughs in it as well.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

(500) Days Of Summer

Ahhh.. 1st blog so i really don't know what am doing ;)

Went to see 500 days of summer a the cinema.
It was about a couple who met at work and got closer throughout the days together.
They both liked each other but they weren't "official" as they didn't wanted the same thing.

The movie played at different times of their time together skipping from the 3rd day to the 140th day back to the 54th day etc. I felt this made the film more unique than other rom-coms as you never got the story from the start to the end. But more of in a random sequence which was completely different to anything i had seen before. I did really enjoy it as i could relate to a lot of the scenes myself compared to some other films of this genre.

I also liked how the film was only viewed through the mans thoughts as this made it almost mysterious as you did not know what the girlfriend was thinking even though it was all her choices that determined the relationship between them.

The ending was completely different to any rom-com i have seen, as it ends on a disappointing note rather than a happy one. They don't end up getting back together as you would of thought, but actually goes off with another man and gets married.

Overall, I really liked the film, and the realistic view of the film made it far different to any rom-com I have seen as it was not "obvious" what was going to happen.

I give this movie.. 7/10 :)