Monday, March 22, 2010

Home Project

I loved doing this - i hated the group being split into two!!
We started coming up with ideas - and really went with one of our first ideas. We then figured out our scenes and really went from there. We decided to use Micheals family so to our excitement it was a day trip up to Loch Lomond for us!
We filmed the ballet scene first. This was the first time we had worked together doing something like this - and unfortunately we had only and hour and a half to set up, film and get out as there was a concert on at night. So it was hard with a time scale on it, but luckily we managed to do it just on time and got some really good shots. The group was very collaborative and everyone got their input.
The next shot we did was the party scene, this had to link up with the first scene so it was quite hard to do but everyone had fun filming this scene and managed to get the shots we wanted. Unfortunately with the fire alarm going off in the middle of the shoot, we had to dismantle everything so just had to go onto the next scene and start filming that.
The next day we got up at 6AM!! and got the train to Loch Lomond. We finally got there and got up to the house to start filming. I am so glad we decided to go to this location as it was beautiful. We had a cup of tea and then started to decide on what shot to do. We managed to get this done in good time then a few of us started to re arrange the camera etc for the next shoot while the rest of us got to make a den! I felt like a child and we all got so excited pegging the sheets together to make a den - and really didn't want to take it down afterwards as it looked so pretty and the best den i have ever made!! After the house scenes were done - we went down to the bottom of the road and started shooting the outside scene. Unfortunately it was raining a bit - but at least the dog behaved very well!! After we did this scene a few people went in sams car to shoot a 2 second scene and the rest of us went into the warmth of the house to be greeted with homemade pancakes - yum yum! :) We did leave 1 for sam, lucy and meg though ;)
We then left Balmaha to go back to glasgow - and i must say we were all sleeping on the way back.
I enjoyed myself a lot filming by ourselves on something that was a bit more creative than "Into The New" and learnt a lot so our next film will be even better!

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